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Ratified at the MIG AGM 2004

Maori Interest Group – The Group, MIG
Newsletter – Te Reo
The Maori Interest Group is part of The New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc.  As such it is bound by the NZSG constitution.
The Group’s Primary Object is to foster the study of Maori Whakapapa (genealogy) and assist members in their research.
With the exception of Institutions, all members of the Group must be financial members of NZSG.
The duties and responsibilities of MIG office holders to be as specified below and be published in the next edition of Te Reo for the information of all members.
1. Committee
The committee shall consist of five positions i.e. Convenor, Secretary, Treasurer,  Editor/Webmaster and Archivist.
The function of the Committee is to control and manage the affairs, property and funds of the Group for the benefit of its members and in accordance with the Objects of NZSG and the Group's primary object.
The committee will communicate on a regular basis – face to face or by postal or electronic means.
2. Convenor
To act on a leadership role to co-ordinate the work of the Committee and further the primary object of the Group.
· Liaise with the Secretary to call for nomination and to organize the election of Committee Members.
· Liaise with the Secretary to prepare the Agenda for the AGM and circulate this to members by ensuring it is printed in the February issue of Te Reo.
· Chair the AGM.
3. Secretary
Responsible for the creating written records and maintaining communication with members and relevant organizations.
· Receive and reply to correspondence.
· Liaise with the Treasurer to keep the membership list up to date.
· Liaise with the Convenor to call for nominations and to organize the election of Committee Members.
· Liaise with the Convenor to prepare the Agenda for the AGM and circulate this to members by ensuring it is printed in the February issue of Te Reo.
· Record the minutes of the AGM and forward these to the Editor for printing in the August issue of Te Reo.
· Liaise with the Archivist for the storage of records.
· Distribute hard copies of Te Reo to those members who have supplied stamped, self-addressed envelopes.
4. Treasurer
Responsible for administering the Group funds as required by law and in accordance with the NZSG constitution.
·   Maintain financial records. Keep books and accounts showing the financial affairs of the Group.
·  Deposit all monies received into the Group’s authorized bank account as soon as practicable after receiving them.
·   Pay all bills for expenses as authorized at the AGM.
·   Bill Institutions annually for membership of the Group.
·   Attend the AGM (usually held during the NZSG annual conference).
·   Present a written financial statement at the AGM and pass a copy to the Editor for inclusion in the August issue of Te Reo.
·   Liaise with the Secretary to keep the membership list up to date.
·   Complete the Group’s Annual Return as required by NZSG.
·   Immediately advise the Convenor and Committee of any matters that may create any insolvency in the Group's financial position and any financial matters requiring urgent attention
5. Newsletter Editor
The newsletter editor shall be responsible for producing four issues of the Groups newsletter, Te Reo, per annum – February, May, August and November.
·   Liaise with all members of the committee and members of the Group where necessary for suitable material for the newsletters, including members’ interests and research queries.  If no such information is available, to formulate the newsletter(s) with available reference material where possible.
·    Submit a bimonthly article to the NZSG editor for inclusion in the “Interest Group News” section of the New Zealand Genealogist (or companion publication).
·    Publish the newsletter online through the MIG website.
·    Publish hardcopies of Te Reo for distribution to Institutions and members.
6. Webmaster
To maintain the MIG website on a regular basis with relevant updates, including contact information, members’ interests, online newsletters, meeting dates and reports where applicable.
7. Archivist
To maintain safe storage of the Group’s archives.
This position on the committee was approved at the 2003 AGM.   Within the first two year term the archivist will endeavour to locate and contact all past and present MIG executives for the purpose of securing a photograph (or copy) of that MIG executive for the MIG Archives.  Also to secure copies of any MIG archival material and general MIG photographs.
·    To keep and maintain both a written and photographic record (photo album(s), register book(s), newsletters and/or folders) of the group’s activities, including its executives, their period of service and important dates and events within the Maori Interest Group.
·    To maintain a record of any MIG honours and awards both internal and external of the group.
·   To produce the “MIG ARCHIVES” (photo album(s), register book(s) and any related material) at the annual MIG AGM for general membership viewing.
·    To keep and maintain a complete record of both past and present MIG Members, including period of MIG membership.
·    To keep a complete set of both past and present MIG newsletters.
·    To liaise with the MIG Convenor, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor/Webmaster as necessary.
·    To actively seek MIG archival material.
8. Services
Financial Members of the Maori Interest Group may request a search of the “MIG ARCHIVES” at anytime and be entitled to receive copies from the “Archivist” on receipt of the appropriate fees to cover costs involved (photocopying and/or postage where applicable).
9. Proviso
·    At all times, the “MIG ARCHIVES”, any information contained therein and all financial resources remain the sole property of the NZSG Maori Interest Group.
·    If for some reason the NZSG Maori Interest Group ceases to exist, the “MIG ARCHIVES” and all financial resources shall at such time be deemed the sole property of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists Incorporated, such cessation shall be determined at the MIG AGM, a Special Meeting thereof or a full meeting of the Executive and shall require the unanimous approval of the meeting.

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